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Monday, 6 April 2009

Plants numbers used at Ellerslie

Karen Miles provided these plant numbers used on the film set

Supplied by Wai-ora Landscapes - "About 300 varying grades of trees, shrubs and grasses were used in the main display. For the nursery we used 4 seed trays and 7 trays of RX90 plants.

"About 50 ferns of varying sizes, including 5 large tree ferns from Fern Factor."

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Production database built

An Access database has been quickly built to keep track of ongoing production. It can be both taken into the field on a laptop and also used to generate the Bush Telly website web pages, saving double handling.

It runs a simple cash book, keeps track of crew, supporters and sponsors etc, schedules interviews, maintains a record of photos, video clips and music.

It was designed to conform to the paper forms and spreadsheets that we actually used over the last 12 months.